Elizabeth Pegg
"Aaron may be the center of the story, but the play belongs to the strong performances by the three actresses, Elizabeth Pegg, Lauren D. Salvo, and Amanda Rodhe. They each have a fire, a passion that contrasts effectively the inept Mayor." (dctheatrescene.com)
"Pegg has a strong stage presence and subtle spunk that gives her character an edge of likability..." (dcmetrotheaterarts.com)
"Elizabeth Pegg gets to unfurl a terrific set of pipes playing Janet." (www.pghcitypaper.com)
"Kudos to Elizabeth Pegg for cramming so many words and minutiae into a dazzling performance." (www.pghcitypaper.com)
"Elizabeth Pegg convincingly portrays Rosemary's awareness of her own sad vulnerability." (www.pghcitypaper.com)